CCHS 20th Annual Harp Retreat 2025
Franciscan Retreat Center
Registration Form
June date TBD - Arrival time: 1 - 5 PM Friday afternoon.
Retreat ends at 1 PM Sunday
Copy, fill out, and mail the completed registration and check to
Leslie Vinson, 12393 N. Piney Lake Road, Parker, CO 80138
Please make checks payable to CCHS and write “Harp Retreat” in memo block.
Please do not make the check out to Leslie
No registration by email, please.
CCHS membership is required for participation in the retreat.
Your registration and fee must be postmarked by May 6, 2025
No cancellations will be accepted after May 31, 2025
without a replacement person.
For your information: There is a hospital and Urgent Care center
within 2 miles of the Retreat Center.
The registration fee covers all acitivities Friday through Sunday, meeting rooms,
equipment, lodging for those who stay on campus, all meals, snacks, coffee, tea, handouts and miscellaneous.
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________ City: ___________ Zip code: ___________
E-mail: ____________________________ Phone Number: (______) __________________
Please check your preferred living accommodation below:
_______ I would like a double or a triple (includes food and lodging). Registration fee will be
$350. Roomate(s) _________________________________________
_______I will attend the entire retreat but will not need a room. Registration fee will be 258.75
_______I will attend Saturday only . Registration fee will be $220.
_______I would like a member of my family to attend. Sign up for a double or triple. Your cost will be $350. The first additional person will be charged $170 (food and lo lodging. The second additional person will be charged $78 (food only).
_______I will need a room on the first floor of Marion Hall.
The following three eating accommodations can be made: please select ONE ONLY. No other eating accommodations will be made. You may bring snacks for yourself if you like. Refrigeration is available. Coffee, tea, and water will be available.
_______ Regular meals
_______ Vegetarian (will eat fish, eggs, and dairy)
_______ T-shirt size (S, M, L, XL, XXL)
_______ I will bring my CCHS Playbook to the retreat
_______ I will buy a CCHS Playbook ($11.00) using cash
_______I would like to borrow a CCHS Playbook from CCHS while there and return it at the end of retreat.
MY TOTAL:$ ___________.
________ A check payable to CCHS for $_______________ is enclosed.
Please write “Harp Retreat” in memo block.
Signature: __________________________________________________________________
For any special requests or concerns, please email Carolyn: or call or text 720-318-7981. You will receive more detailed information as the date gets closer, but I will be happy to answer any questions you may have in the meantime!
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